Personal Projects
An introduction to some of the things we also do:
Art, music, writing and performance art.
(Only joking about the performance art.)
Stop Flooding My Record Collection
Charity Art Auction
In 2010, Brisbane went underwater. Gabe ran a charity art exhibition to replace the covers of important
old jazz records destroyed in the flood.
The City of Brisbane. The year is 2010.
It rains.
There's far too much rain.
Everything ends up underwater.
So Gabe organises a charity art exhibition in which artists create new covers for important old jazz records salvaged during the Queensland floods. The exhibition travels from Brisbane to Melbourne. Record sales raise money for the relief effort. Everyone wins (except for the insurance companies).
Participating artists:
Webuyyourkids, Luke Lucas, Tin & Ed, Hank Joseffson & Matlok Griffiths, French, The Hungry Workshop, Jack Tierney (Listen to the Graphics), Haw, Spew Corp, Victoria Topping, Alan Crowne, Andrew Fiscalini, Andrew Kwa, Bo Stahlman, Carmela Ruffino, Catherine Insch, Celine Paquet, Corey Silva, Elizabeth Carruthers, Eric John Ocson, Karen Chan, Marijke Arkley, Monique Kneepkens, Michael Tan, Peter Binek, Peter Salmon-Lomas, Reidar Oksavik, Rudi DeWet, Shane Loorham, Trent Hendrick, Kasia Pawlikowski.